Aboriginal Health College; University of Sydney; Petra
On Monday 3 September 2012, at Little Bay, the Administrator of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO, as Patron, and as guest of the Chief Executive Officer of the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council, Ms Sandra Bailey, attended the Aboriginal Health College Graduation Ceremon and presented awards.
Afterwards, at the University of Sydney, the Administrator, as guest of the Jewish Chaplain of the University’s Multifaith Chaplaincy Centre, Rabbi Eli Feldman, launched the University’s Interfaith Week.
Later, at Petra, Jordan the Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, as guests of the Chief Commissioner of Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority, Mr Mohammad Abu Al Ghanam and Associate Director of the American Centre for Oriental Research, Dr Chris Tuttle, visited the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Petra.