Call by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; Credential Ceremonies and Reception
On Thursday 24 November 2011, at Government House, Canberra, the Governor-General Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO received Mr Harry Jenkins MP and accepted his resignation as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Afterwards, the Governor-General and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE received from His Excellency Mr Enrique Viguera, Letters of Credence accrediting him as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Salvador Maspoch (Minister-Counsellor), Captain Fransisco Peñuelas (Defence Attaché), and Ms Lucia Manrique (Counsellor). The Governor-General and Mr Bryce also received Mrs Marta Altolaguirre de Viguera.
Afterwards, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce received from His Excellency Mr Stéphane Romatet, Letters of Credence accrediting him as the Ambassador of the French Republic. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Marc Trouyet (Counsellor), Mr Pierre Labbe (Counsellor), and Chief Petty Officer Maxime Herbaut (Deputy Defence Attaché). The Governor-General and Mr Bryce also received Mrs Agnès Espagne.
Later, the Governor-General received from Her Excellency Ms Catherine Fautrier, Letters of Credence accrediting her as the Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Andrew Cannon (Honorary Consul).
Then, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce hosted a reception to welcome new and recently arrived Heads of Mission in the Canberra Diplomatic Corps.
In the evening, the Governor-General received the Associate Professor of the George Institute for Global Health, Associate Professor Jane Latimer; the Chief Executive Officer of Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre, Ms June Oscar; Paediatric Academic Medicine Fellow at the University of Sydney, Dr James Fitzpatrick; and Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Sydney, Professor Elizabeth Elliot AM.
Afterwards, the Governor-General received the newly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Honourable Peter Slipper MP.