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Canberra, ACT

On Wednesday 13 February 2019 the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), and Lady Cosgrove as guests of Mr David O’Leary, President, Gift of Life Incorporated, attended the annual DonateLife Walk, at Regatta Point, Canberra.

Afterwards, at Government House, Canberra, the Governor-General received Letters of Credence from Her Excellency Mrs Victoria Francolino, accrediting her as the Ambassador of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Esteban Melgarejo (First Secretary). The Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove also received Mr Juan Pablo Silveira.

Later, the Governor-General received Letters of Credence from Her Excellency Mrs Marion Derckx, accrediting her as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Erik De Feijter (Deputy Head of Mission), Mr Rob Van Den Berg (Acting Police Attaché) and Lieutenant Colonel Elmar Hermans (Defence Attaché).

Then, the Governor-General received Letters of Credence from His Excellency Mr Korhan Karakoç, accrediting him as the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Cemil Yildirim (Counsellor) and Mr Ekrem Ilbaş (Third Secretary). The Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove also received Mrs Svetlana Karakoç.

Later, the Governor-General received from Letters of Credence His Excellency Mr Reiichiro Takahashi, accrediting him as the Ambassador of Japan. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Tokuro Furuya (Minister), Colonel Shigehiro Noshita (Army Attaché) and Mr Issei Fujiwara (Protocol Officer). The Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove also received Mrs Masako Takahashi.

Afterwards, the Governor-General received Letters of Credence from His Excellency Mr Ariel Lorenzo Rodriguez, accrediting him as the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mrs Dunia Martin Hernandez (Third Secretary). The Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove also received Mrs Liuba Montano Rubio.

Later, the Governor-General received Letters of Credence from His Excellency Mr Tomáš Dub, accrediting him as the Ambassador of the Czech Republic. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Ondřej Baháč (Deputy Head of Mission), Mr Otakar Mašín (Attaché) and Ms Aneta Kovéřová (Consular Officer).

In the afternoon, the Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove hosted a lunch in honour of newly accredited Heads of Mission. Guests included ;Her Excellency Mrs Marion Derckx; Mr Tomáš Dub; Mr Tokuro Foruya; Her Excellency Mrs Victoria Francolino and Mr Juan Pablo Silveira; His Excellency Mr Abel Guterres and Mrs Ana Paula Mok; Lieutenant Colonel Elmar Harmans; His Excellency Mr Korhan Karakoç and Mrs Svetlana Karakoç; Mrs Dunia Martin; Mr Ariel Lorenzo Rodriguez and Mrs Liuba Montano Rubio; Ms Lyndall Sachs PSM; His Excellency Mr Reiichiro Takahashi and Mrs Masako Takahashi; Ms Clare Walsh; Mr Cemil Yildirim.

In the evening the Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove, as guests of Colonel Wal Hall (Retd), President, Molonglo Cricket Club, attended a dinner for the Molonglo Cricket Club, at the Commonwealth Club, Yarralumla. Earlier, the Governor-General, met with students from St Kilda Primary School, VIC, as they undertook a tour of Government House as part of their visit to Canberra.