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Canberra, ACT

On Tuesday 12 February 2019 the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), as Chancellor of the Order of Australia, and Lady Cosgrove hosted an investiture ceremony for Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano AO, Chief of Staff, Japanese Self-Defence Forces, at Government House, Canberra.

Afterwards, the Governor-General received Mr Rod Eade, President ACT Veterans Rugby; Mr John Hillier, Vice-President, ACT Veterans Rugby; and Mr Lindsay Callaghan, Secretary, ACT Veterans Rugby.

Later, the Governor-General, as Patron of the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, and Lady Cosgrove, hosted an afternoon tea for the 2019 ABC Heywire Youth Summit participants.

Earlier, the Governor-General, met with students from Clayton North Primary School, Victoria and Korowa Anglican Girls School, Victoria, as they undertook a tour of Government House as part of their visit to Canberra.