Credentials Ceremonies and Reception; St John Ambulance
On Wednesday 18 April 2012, at Government House, Canberra, the Governor-General Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO received from His Excellency Mr Marcel Stutz, Letters of Credence accrediting him as the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Stefan Klötzli (Deputy Head of Mission), Mr Markus Meli (Consul-General), and Mr Hans Peter Studer (First Secretary). The Governor-General and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE also received Mrs Esther Stutz.
Afterwards, the Governor-General received from His Excellency Mr Yousel Ali Al-Khater, Letters of Credence accrediting him as the Ambassador of the State of Qatar. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Mohammed Al-Jabir (First Secretary).
Later, the Governor-General received from His Excellency Mr Vladimir Lopato-Zagorsky, Letters of Credence accrediting him as the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Igor Pilipenko (Third Secretary) and Mr Warren Reynolds (Honorary Consul).
Then, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce hosted a Credentials Reception.
In the afternoon, the Governor-General, as Patron, received the Director of the Institute for Ethics, Governance and the Law at Griffith University, Professor Charles Sampford.
Afterwards, the Governor-General received a farewell call from the Ambassador of Mongolia, His Excellency Mr Tserendorj Jambaldorj.
Later, the Governor-General received the Professor of Employment Relations at Sydney University, Professor Marion Baird.
Earlier, at the St John Ambulance Deakin Offices, Canberra, Mr Bryce, as Patron, met with staff and volunteers at the St John Ambulance Annual General Meeting.