European Australian Business Council Mission to Europe
On Monday 3 June 2013, in Paris, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO, attended a briefing for the European mission by the President of the European Australian Business Council, Mr Alastair Walton.
Afterwards, at the Mouvement des Entreprises de France International, the Governor-General, as guest of the Chairman, Mr Jean Burelle, and accompanied by members of the European Australian Business Council, attended a roundtable discussion on the economic outlook in Australia, the Asia Pacific, France and Europe.
Later, at the Élyseé Palace, the Governor-General met with the President of the French Republic, His Excellency Mr François Hollande.
Then, at the Australian Embassy, the Governor-General, as guest of the Ambassador to the French Republic, His Excellency Mr Ric Wells, and accompanied by members from the European Australian Business Council, attended a seminar presented by the Director of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Mr Yves Bertoncini.
In the afternoon, at the Banque de France, the Governor-General, as guest of the Governor, Mr Christian Noyer, attended a roundtable discussion with members of the European Australian Business Council.
Afterwards, at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Governor-General met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Laurent Fabius, followed by a reception with members of the European Australian Business Council.
In the evening, at the International Diplomatic Academy, the Governor-General and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, as guests of the Ambassador to the French Republic and accompanied by members from the European Australian Business Council, attended an Australia Unlimited reception with senior French business leaders.