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Kabul, Afghanistan; Qargha, Afghanistan

On Wednesday 7 November, at Headquarters Resolute Support, Kabul, the Governor General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) met with Australian Defence Force personnel embedded at the NATO Headquarters, as guest of Rear Admiral Jaimie Hatcher AM RAN, Commander JTF633.

Afterwards, the Governor-General met with Australian Defence Force mentor training members of the Afghan National Army at Camp Qargha, as guest of Brigadier Jane Spalding, Commander Australian Task Group Afghanistan.

Then, the Governor-General was officially farewelled from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan by Mr Jeremy Guthrie, Charge D’Affaires, Australian Embassy in Afghanistan, and Brigadier Jane Spaulding, Commander Australian Task Group Afghanistan, at Harmid Karzai International Airport, Kabul.

In the afternoon, the Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove met with deployed Australian Defence Force personnel on Operation Accordion, as guest of Rear Admiral Jaimie Hatcher AM RAN, Commander JTF633.

In the evening, in Dubai, th Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove hosted to dinner the Australian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, His Excellency Mr Arthur Spyrou and MrsBritt Spyrou.