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Secretary-General of the United Nations

On Thursday 8 September 2011, at Government House, Canberra, the Governor-General Ms Quentin Bryce AC received the Secretary-General of the United Nations, His Excellency Mr Ban Ki-Moon.

Afterwards, the Governor-General and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE hosted a dinner in honour of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Her Excellency Madame Ban Soon-taek. Guests included: Dr Deborah Bateson; the Honourable Julie Bishop MP and Dr Peter Nattrass; Mr Bill Bowtell; Ms Cathy Burke; Ms Virginia Haussegger; Ms Joanna Hayter; Mr Andrew Hewett; Mr Harry Jenkins MP and Mrs Michele Jenkins; Senator the Honourable Kate Lundy; Ms Wendy McCarthy AO; Mr Alan McLean; Commissioner Tony Negus APM and Mrs Marina Negus; Senator Stephen Parry and Mrs Allison Parry; Air Commodore Kevin Paule AM and Mrs Sue Paule; Mr Gary Quinlan; the Honourable Justice Richard Refshauge; His Excellency Mr Francis Tabone; Dr Casta Tungaraza; and Mr Ian Wishart.

Earlier, in Kingston, Mr Bryce, as Patron, launched the Capital Arts Patrons Organisation 2011 Grants Round.