State Visit to the People’s Republic of China
On Saturday 19 October 2013, in Xi’an, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, as guests of the Governor of Shaanxi Province, Mr Lou Qinjian, visited cultural sites within the area.
Afterwards, at the Shangri-La Hotel, Xi’an, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce met with the CEO of BlueScope, Mr Paul O’Malley, the President of BlueScope Asia, Mr Stewart Dellar, and the Senior Trade Commissioner and Country Manager – China for Austrade, Mr Michael Clifton.
Later, the Governor-General attended a meeting with Governor Lou.
In the evening, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, as guests of the Governor, attended a banquet hosted in their honour.