State Visit to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
On Thursday 7 November 2013, at Mandalay International Airport, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, were welcomed to Mandalay Region by the Chief Minister, His Excellency U Ye Myint.
Afterwards, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, accompanied by the Deputy Minister for Culture, Her Excellency Daw Sandar Khin, and as guest of cultural advisor, U Sein Myint, visited U Bein Bridge.
Later, at Mandalay Hill, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce hosted a lunch for Australian volunteers in Myanmar. Volunteers included: Mr Christopher Chaffe; Ms Andrea Flew; Ms Deborah Gentleman; Mr David Hale; Ms Robyn Jackson; and Mr Nigel Klein.
Then, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, as guests of the Principal, Daw Myo Myo Min, and UNICEF Area Manager, Daw Mya Thuzar, met with staff and students at Mandalay School and Early Childhood Development Centre No. 21, and read a book to kindergarten children.
Afterwards, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, visited Shwenandaw Kyaung, the Golden Palace Monastery.