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On Thursday 25 February 2010, at Admiralty House, Sydney, the Governor-General Ms Quentin Bryce AC presided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council.

In the afternoon, the Governor-General hosted a meeting to discuss aged care. Attendees included: Director of the Ageing Research Unit at the Centre for Mental Health Research, Professor Kaarin Anstey; Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Ms Elizabeth Broderick; Chief Executive Officer of UnitingCare Queensland, Ms Anne Cross; Chief Executive Officer of Brightwater Care Group Incorporated, Dr Penelope Flett; Visiting Professor at Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Professor Valerie Pratt AM; Chief Executive Officer of the Sax Institute, Professor Sally Redman; and Chief Executive Officer of The Benevolent Society, Mr Richard Spencer. Later, the Governor-General and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE hosted a reception, at which the Governor-General launched the book ???All for Queensland ??? the Governors and the People', written by Mr Peter Forrest and Ms Sheila Forrest.