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Visit to the Department of Defence Intelligence and Security Group; Australian Citizenship Ceremony

On Tuesday 17 September 2013, at Government House, Canberra, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO, was presented with a Honorary Life Membership of Australasian Law Teachers Association by President, Professor Stephen Bottomley, and Immediate Past President, Professor Michael Coper.

Afterwards, at the Australian Signals Directorate, the Governor-General, as the Commander-in-Chief and guest of the Deputy Secretary Intelligence and Security Group, Mr Steve Meekin AM, received briefings and visited the Cyber Security Operations Centre.

Later, at the National Arboretum, the Governor-General, and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, as guests of the Secretary of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Mr Martin Bowles PSM, attended a reception at which the Governor-General presided over a Citizenship Ceremony in recognition of Australian Citizenship Day.