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Visit to Groote Eylandt

On Friday 16 August 2013, at the Angurugu Aged Care Centre, Groote Eylandt, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO, as guest of the Manager, Ms Janice Klar, met with Elders, sufferers of Machado Joseph Disease, and staff.

Afterwards, at Milyakburra School, Bickerton Island, the Governor-General, as guest of the Principal, Ms Kirsten Morey, met with students and viewed the school’s facilities before presenting student awards during a school assembly.

Later, at the Sea Cucumber Processing Facility, Umbakumba, the Governor-General, as guest of the Business Manager, Mr Roger Holman, received a brief on the facility and met with staff.

Then the Governor-General, as guest of the Chair of the Anindilyakwa Land Council, Mr Tony Wurramarrba AO, attended a community barbecue with members of the Umbakumba community.

Afterwards, at the Groote Eylandt Rangers Program, the Governor-General, as guest of the Manager, Mr Ian Kerr, met with Indigenous Rangers, viewed the facilities and met with University of Queensland students researching wildlife on Groote Eylandt.

Later, at the Dugong Beach Resort, Alyangula, the Governor-General, as guest of the Executive Officer of the Machado Joseph Disease (MJD) Foundation, Ms Nadia Lindop, officially launched the MJD Foundation’s education DVD: ‘MJD Family Business: Messages for Women.’