Visit to Groote Eylandt
On Thursday 15 August 2013, at the Angurugu Linguistic Centre, Groote Eylandt, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO, as guest of the Coordinator, Ms Sally Smee, met with staff and viewed the centre’s interactive learning tools.
Afterwards, at the Women's Centre in the Groote Eylandt and Milyakburra Youth Development Unit, the Governor-General, as guest of the Coordinator, Ms Kristyne Love, spoke with women clients.
Later, at the Angurugu Shire Council, the Governor-General, as guest of the Anindalyawaka Land Council Cultural Advisor, Ms Nancy Lalara, and Cross Cultural course co-ordinator, Mr Grant Burgoyne, received a brief on Anindilyawaka culture and was shown aspects of the Cross Cultural course offered through the Land Council.
Then, at Angurugu School, the Governor-General, as guest of the Managing Director, Mr Lindsey Davidson, visited the GEBIE Civil and Construction Trade Centre and met with workers.
Afterwards, at the Anindilyawaka Arts and Cultural Centre, the Governor-General, as guest of Ms Vianetta Chapman, viewed a weaving demonstration and met with local women.
Later, at Dugong Beach Resort, the Governor-General hosted a dinner for community leaders.
In the evening, in Canberra, Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, as Patron of the Gallery of Australian Design, attended the opening of The Lodge Exhibition.
Earlier, at Sydney International Airport, the Governor-General was represented at the transit through Australia by the Governor-General of New Zealand, His Excellency Lieutenant General the Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae GNZM QSO, by Colonel Michael Miller RFD ADC, Honorary Aide-de-Camp.