Visit to North Queensland
On Wednesday 14 May 2014, in Mossman Gorge, the Governor-General, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) and Lady Cosgrove, as guests of the Acting Chair, Mr Matthew Gibson, met with the Board of Directors of Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Inc.
Afterwards, the Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove, as guests of the Chief Executive Officer, Cape York Institute, Ms Fiona Jose, visited the Mossman Gorge Opportunity Hub and Wellbeing Centre.
Later, the Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove, as guests of the Chief Executive Officer, Apunipima Cape York Health Council, Mr Cleveland Fagan, visited the Mossman Gorge Primary Health Care Centre.
Then, the Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove, as guests of the Vice Chair, Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Inc, Uncle Roy Gibson, viewed the Ngadiku Dreamtime Walk.
In the afternoon, at the Mossman Gorge Centre, the Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove, as guests of the Chair, Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia, Ms Lisa Gay, and General Manager, Mr Greg Erwin, attended a community lunch with Indigenous trainees, staff and rangers.