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Australian Bravery Decorations

The independent Australian Bravery Decorations Council has made recommendations to the Governor-General regarding Australian Bravery Decorations, and the Governor-General has announced 13 Australian Bravery Decorations to recognise the courage of 17 people.

“On behalf of all Australians, I congratulate today’s recipients of Australian Bravery Decorations as we recognise and honour them for their courage,” the Governor-General said.

“Tragically, one recipient – Senior Constable Kelly Ann Foster - is being honoured posthumously. I hope that today’s recognition, and the knowledge that Australia honours her sacrifice, brings comfort to her loved ones. 

“To each recipient – thank you. In extraordinary circumstances, that most of us are never forced to confront, you acted on an impulse to help someone in need. In that moment you were brave and because of your selfless actions you deserve the recognition of your fellow Australians. 

“Recipients are united by their selfless, compassionate courage and care and that impulse to help someone else, in spite of all danger to themselves.” 

The following decorations are being awarded today:

  • Bravery Medal: 5

  • Commendation for Brave Conduct: 7

  • Group Bravery Citation: 1 group (5 people)