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Colour Parade marking the 75th anniversary of The Royal Australian Regiment, Royal Military College-Duntroon, ACT


I acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the land we are meeting on and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. I acknowledge their continuing culture and contribution to this region.

I’ve said many times that we are blessed to live and work in such a lovely part of the country — from the Namadgi to the south, the Brindabellas to the west, the Molonglo and Murrumbidgee rivers — and I thank the traditional custodians for looking after it, generation after generation.

It is a privilege for Linda and me to be at this parade ground for this special occasion. Much of our married life revolved around service in the Regiment, so it is enjoyable that we can mark its significant anniversary today.

Well down to all involved in this parade.

It is an impressive showing, befitting a commemorative parade to mark the proud history of The Royal Australian Regiment.

Congratulations to the men and women of the Regiment on our 75th birthday.

The colours on parade today are a symbol of loyalty and their Battle Honours bear witness to the Regiment’s outstanding service to our nation.

But that is a formal description.

Behind them stand the spirit of 75 years of commitment, hard work and sacrifice.

As this audience is aware, the history of The Royal Australian Regiment is a rich one.

Since World War 2, whenever and wherever our national interest has required a military effort, the RAR has been there.

From its origins as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force …

… to operations in Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam, Rwanda, Somalia, East Timor, Solomon Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan …

… the Regiment has constantly been called to serve.

The Regiment has served our nation with distinction, in peace time and in war.

Throughout the last 75 years members of the RAR have responded to our motto, ‘Duty First’, done what their nation asked of them and done it in a way that made — and continues to make — us proud.

And the story continues to evolve.

The geostrategic environment the Regiment operates in today is complex, nuanced and continually changing.

What hasn’t changed however — what will never change — are the values that underpin your service: courage, respect, integrity, excellence.

To all on parade and in the Regiment — I know that you will meet future challenges by giving your best and more.
Remember, you have inherited the legacy of your forebears, some of whom are here today.

Your service therefore comes with great responsibility.

You are the custodians of a hard-fought legacy.

And your actions today will help inform and influence future generations.

In closing, I want to acknowledge the families and loved ones of Regimental members both past and present.

Your support cannot be overstated. It is critical to the nation’s military capability and to the health and welfare of members of the Regiment.

Finally, to the men and women of The Royal Australian Regiment — take time to celebrate the Regiment’s distinguished history.

But more so, aspire to uphold the traditions and spirit of the Regiment as embodied in the colours on parade.


Duty first.
