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Reception for the National Gallery of Australia Foundation

On Friday 2 August 2013, at Government House, Canberra, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, hosted a lunch for the National Gallery of Australia Foundation’s 100 Works for 100 Years campaign. Guests included: Mrs Antoinette Albert and Mr Rupert Rosenblum; Mr Philip Bacon AM; Mr Terrence Campbell AO and Mrs Christine Campbell; Mr Maurice Cashmere; Mr Jim Cousins AO and Mrs Libby Cousins; Mr Charles Curran AC and Mrs Eva Curran; the Honourable Ashley Dawson-Damer; Mrs Lynette Fern; Mr Peter Hack; Mr Colin Hindmarsh and Mrs Barbara Hindmarsh; Mr John Hindmarsh AM and Mrs Rosanna Hindmarsh; Mr Wayne Kratzmann; Mr Steve Lambert and Mrs Ruth Lambert; Mrs Elizabeth Laverty; Mr Tony Lewis and Mrs Helen Lewis; Dr Andrew Lu OAM and Dr Geoffrey Lancaster AM; Mrs Susie Maple-Brown and Associate Professor Louise Maple-Brown; Mrs Robyn Martin-Weber; Mr Robert Meller and Ms Helena Clark; Mr Allan Myers AO QC and Mrs Maria Myers AO; Dr David Pfanner and Dr Ruth Pfanner; Mr Julien Playoust and Mrs Michelle Playoust; Dr Ron Radford AM; Mr Ezekiel Solomon; Ms Maryanne Voyazis; Ms Lucina Ward; Mr Geoffrey White OAM and Mrs Sally White OAM; Mr Allan Williams and Mrs Janeen Williams; Ms Liz Wilson; and Mr Ray Wilson OAM.

Earlier, at Brisbane International Airport, the Governor-General was represented at the arrival in Australia of the President of the Republic of Nauru, His Excellency the Honourable Baron Divavesi Waqa MP, by Colonel Dennis Scanlan CSM RFD ADC, Honorary Aide-de-Camp.