Visit to Napranum and Weipa
On Monday 29 July 2013, at Lockhart River State School, the Governor-General the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, as guests of the Principal, Mr John McSweeney, met with teachers and students.
Afterwards, at Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce,as guests of Councillor Ernest Madua Jnr, Deputy Mayor, Councillor Margaret Adidi and Chief Executive Officer, Mr Amos Njaramba, attended a community briefing.
Later, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, as guests of Ms Sonia Schuh, visited the Napranum Kindergarten and Childcare Centre and attended a performance by the children.
Then, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, met with residents at the Napranum Aged Care Facility.
Afterwards, at the Napranum Community Hall, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, attended a community lunch.
Later, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, as guests of Registered Nurse, Ms Julie Pavey, visited the Napranum Health Care Facility.
Then, in Weipa, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, as guests of General Manager, Mr Gareth Manderson, visited the Rio Tinto Alcan mine and met with participants of the Indigenous Traineeship program.
In the evening, at Weipa Cultural Centre, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, as guests of the Chair of the Weipa Town Authority, Mr Peter McCulkin, attended a community reception at which, the Governor-General, presided at a Citizenship Ceremony.