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Investiture for the Victoria Cross for Australia; Cairns State High School

On Thursday 1 November 2012, at Government House, Canberra, the Governor-General Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE, hosted a ceremony at which the Governor-General, as Commander-in-Chief, invested Corporal Daniel Keighran VC with the insignia of the Victoria Cross for Australia.

Afterwards, the Governor-General and Mr Bryce hosted a lunch in honour of Corporal Daniel Keighran VC and Mr Kathryn Keighran. Guests included: the Honourable Tony Abbott MP; Ms Nola Anderson; His Excellency Mr Nasir Ahmad Andisha; Warrant Officer Class One David Ashley OAM; Air Marshal Mark Binskin AO; Colonel Jason Blain DSC CSC; Mr Graham Blake and Ms Roxanne Wolski; Major General Paul Brereton AM; Warrant Officer Class One David Bromwich; Warrant Officer Class One Brett Brown; Major General John Caligari AM DSC; Mr Ian Campbell PSM; Major General Angus Campbell AM; Sergeant Mitchell Chatt; the Honourable Jason Clare MP; Brigadier Peter Clay CSC; Mr Dean Collins and Mrs Leonie Collins; Warrant Officer Class One Stephan Colman; Mr Tony Crook MP; Mr Mark Crosweller AFSM; Air Vice-Marshal Gavin Davies CSC; Corporal Mark Donaldson VC and Mrs Emma Donaldson; Rear Admiral Ken Doolan AO (Retd) and Mrs Elaine Doolan; Lieutenant General Mark Evans AO DSC; Captain James Fanning DSM; Sergeant Albert Finnsson; the Honourable Julia Gillard MP and Mr Tim Mathieson; Major General Peter Gilmore AM DSC; Mr Michael Graves; Vice Admiral Ray Griggs AO CSC RAN; Mr Ben Hubbard; Captain Timothy Hurley; General David Hurley AC DSC and Mrs Linda Hurley; Mr Matthew Hutton; Lieutenant Colonel Mark Jennings DSC; Senator the Honourable David Johnston; Vice Admiral Peter Jones AO DSC; Ms Susan Keighran; Mr Ian Keighran; the Honourable Dr Mike Kelly AM MP; Sergeant Sean Lanigan MG; Mr Angelo Leonardi; Mr James Long BM; Corporal Scott Magennis and Ms Erin Mumberson; Dr Margot McCarthy; Major General Michael Milford AM; Brigadier Michael Moon AM DSC; Lieutenant General David Morrison AO; Mr Keith O’Toole; Major General Craig Orme AM CSC; Private Shaun Parker; Squadron Leader Steven Parsons; Mr Keith Payne VC OAM and Mrs Florence Payne OAM; Captain Brendan Perkins; Lieutenant General Ash Power AO CSC; Ms Judith Pyburne; Mrs Myra Quill and Mr Ray Quill; Mr Marcus Randall CSM and Mrs Hayley Randall; Mr Dennis Richardson AO; Mr Stuart Robert MP; Corporal Damien Roberts; Mrs Emma Roberts-Smith; Major General Michael Slater AO DSC CSC; the Honourable Stephen Smith MP; the Honourable Warren Snowdon MP; Warrant Officer Class One David Spinks OAM; Sapper Joel Toms; Major Chris Wallace; Dr Ian Watt AO; Brigadier Simone Wilkie AM; Ms Jenny Wilson; Corporal Lukas Woolley; and General Khalid Wynne and Mrs Atiyya Nazli Wynne.

In the evening, at the Cairns Convention Centre, the Governor-General, as guest speaker and as guest of the Principal, Ms Angela Toppin, presented awards at the Cairns State High School Presentation Night.