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Kidsafe; Women’s Activities and Self Help House; The Smith Family and Chifley College; Metro Migrant Resource Centre

On Tuesday 23 October 2012, at Glenmore Park Child and Family Centre, the Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO, as Patron and guest of the President of the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia, Mr Peter Gibson, launched National 2012 Kidsafe Day.

Afterwards, at the Women’s Activities and Self Help House, Mt Druitt, the Governor-General, as guest of Board Member, Ms Jo Fuller, met with women and staff members.

Later, at Chifley College, Shalvey, the Governor-General, as guest of the Chief Executive Officer of the Smith Family, Dr Lisa O’Brien, and Principal, Ms Janet Harding, met with students participating in a range of Smith Family programs.

Then, at the Metro Migrant Resource Centre, Campsie, the Governor-General, as guest of the Chief Executive Officer, Ms Esta Paschalidis-Chilas, met with staff, volunteers and clients.