Canberra, Australian Capital Territory; Sydney, New South Wales
On Thursday 3 October 2019, at Government House, Canberra, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) presided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council.
Afterwards, the Governor-General received Councillor Kevin Mack, Mayor, AlburyCity Council.
Later, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley received representatives of Heaven Acts, including Ms Gabrielle Klomp, Secretary; Ms Lynne Klomp, Public Officer; and Ms Natalie Klomp, Treasurer.
In the afternoon, the Governor-General and Mrs Hurley travelled to Sydney, where as guests of Mr Chris Raine, CEO, Hello Sunday Morning, and Ms Hannah Frank, Public Policy and Government Relations Manager, Google Australia, they received a briefing on Google’s Artificial Intelligence and philanthropic activities.
Afterwards, the Governor-General and Mrs Hurley, as guests of Mr Raine and Ms Frank, attended the Aurora Foundation’s Oxford Business Alumni Panel.