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Governors-General serve as Patrons of organisations who do amazing things each and every day.

As patrons they take an active role by promoting organisations, celebrating staff, supporters and volunteers, attending events and hosting groups at Government House or Admiralty House.

The work of these groups is diverse but there is a unifying characteristic: they are hardworking and selfless Australians who strive each day to make their communities better.


Applying for patronage

Organisations can apply at any time for patronage and should seek to demonstrate: 

  • a clear focus on relevant issues or interests of national significance
  • a significant record of achievement over at least five years; and
  • sound financial management and strong governance arrangements.

The Office's patronage policy is available here

To apply email: addressing the points above and outlining what role your organisation plays in the community.


American Australian Association 

ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions) Club 

Arthritis Australia

Asbestos and Dust Diseases Research Institute

Australasian College of Road Safety

Australian Brandenburg Orchestra

Australian Bravery Association

Australian Cancer Research Foundation

Australian Indigenous Education Foundation

Australian Institute of Health and Safety

Australian Museum

Australian National Veterans Arts Museum

Australian Red Cross 

Australian Rotary Emergency Services Community Awards

Australian Rural Leadership Foundation


Australian War Widows Inc

Australian Wildlife Society 

Australian Women in Music

Australian World Orchestra

Australians Investing in Women

Bangarra Dance Theatre Australia

Beyond Blue

Bravery Trust

Bus Stop Films

Canberra Police Community Youth Club

Canberra Symphony Orchestra

Cancer Council ACT

Carers Australia

Children's Book Council of Australia

Children’s Week Council of Australia

Commonwealth Games Australia

Confederation of Australian Sport

Constitution Education Fund Australia

Cystic Fibrosis Australia

Dementia Australia

Diversity Council Australia

Down Syndrome Australia

Engineers Australia

Equality Australia

Fearless Women

Fire Protection Association Australia

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

Gallipoli Scholarship Fund

General Sir John Monash Foundation

Gidget Foundation Australia

Girl Guides Australia

Glaucoma Australia

Global Voices

GO Foundation

Hartley Lifecare

Heart Foundation

Hello Sunday Morning

Integra Service Dogs Australia

John James Foundation

Juvenile Arthritis Foundation Australia

Karinya House

Kidney Health Australia

Legacy Australia

Legacy Club of Canberra

Lifeline Australia

Life Ed

Lung Foundation Australia

Lysicrates Foundation

Maggie Beer Foundation

Manning Clark House

Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services

Minerva Network

Mission Australia

MS Australia

Music Education: Right from the Start

National and State Libraries of Australasia

National Apprentice Employment Network

National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

National Council of Women of Australia

National Rose Society of Australia

National Youth Science Forum

Netball Australia

Nuffield Australia

Outward Bound

Paralympics Australia

Playgroup Australia

Project Independence

Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia

Returned and Services League of Australia - ACT Branch

Road Safety Education Foundation

Ronald McDonald House Charities Australia 

Royal Far West

Royal Life Saving Australia

Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron

RSL LifeCare

Rugby Australia

Sailing for Everyone

Scouts Australia

Shake It Up Australia

Special Olympics Australia

Suicide Prevention Australia

The Australian Ballet

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

The Fiona Wood Foundation

The Indigenous Marathon Foundation 

The NELUNE Foundation 

The Order of Australia Association

The Order of Australia Association Foundation

The Royal Commonwealth Society Australian Capital Territory Branch

The Royal Humane Society of Australasia

The Salvation Army

The Shepherd Centre

The Smith Family

The Social Outfit 

The Stroke Foundation

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

UN Women Australia

United Nations Association of Australia

Voice, Interests and Education of Women of Australia

Volunteering Australia

Women and Girls Emergency Centre

Young Endeavour Youth Scheme

YWCA Canberra